The Dentist and the Gynecologist

In December 2008, I was at the gynecologist's office when my cell phone began to ring like crazy. Three times it went off. I couldn't figure out who would be calling me while I was ... well, ... uh, ... unavailable. The only people who ever really call me are Christopher or my mother and both of them knew I was going to be in stirrups that morning. So what was the deal? When I became more available (as in - dressed) I looked at my phone to see just who it was trying so desperately to reach me. It was the day care center where Andrew and Davis were. I figured it was Andrew. Sick. He had complained earlier that morning before leaving with Christopher that he wasn't feeling that great. He must have gotten sick. Which was just great. Because I really couldn't afford to miss any more work. I also had a call from my husband. What the ...? He knew where I was. What's that about? So I called Play and Learn (the day care center) and learned it wasn't Andrew, but it was Davis, who had somehow gotten his head stuck on the rocking chair between the seat and the arm and while he tried to dislodge it, he had, somehow, pulled out his tooth. Complete panic. What in the hell? I couldn't wrap my head around it. And I couldn't get to him quickly enough.

En route I called Christopher. Apparently, the day care had been able to reach him and he knew what was going on. I didn't know what to do. He was - technically - too young for the dentist. And what in the hell was the pediatrician going to do? I called them first anyway. They didn't know what to do for us, but could hear the panic in my voice and sympathized. I next called the dentist. They are the greatest. I feel like I've found the secret dental society or something. They "squeezed" us in between appointments. And as it turned out, Davis had lost not one but two teeth. His front right tooth and the tooth to the right of that one. TWO TEETH. My baby was broken. And there was nothing I could do to fix it.

When you have your first child, everything is done by the book. Appointments are made so that they are scheduled on the DAY they are due. And when you have your second child, you let things slide. Typically a child's first dental appointment is to be scheduled on or about their 3rd birthday. Andrew's occurred, I believe, at his 3rd birthday. Davis will be going to the dentist for the first time tomorrow.

Well, not really his first time. It's his first time for an actual cleaning and check up. He's been really good about brushing his teeth. And since he has 2 fewer teeth to have cleaned, it should be a cinch. Right?

Andrew also has an appointment scheduled at the same time. So he'll be there with us. It's going to be a busy morning. What was I thinking??!