Angels in Disguise

It is this time of year that my children become angels. Not because they're especially well-behaved in the cold, winter months, mind you. That's not it at all. It's just that I'm not with them as much. And though some may believe that absence makes the heart grow fungus, my heart does indeed grow fonder when not with those little buggers. They make me laugh; they make me cry; and they make me want to quit my job and stay home with them forever and ever.

Alas, soon (well, in less than 90 days now) Session will be over. Then the angels that I have missed so terribly will again become the terrors that my husband knows they are capable of being. But until then, I will miss them terribly, they will grow leaps and bounds in my absence, and I will imagine them being the sweetest, most angelic little boys a mother can ever wish to have.

In the meantime, my husband is suffering - sometimes silently and sometimes not silently. Sometimes I will get a phone call and my husband will be at his wits' end and his only reprieve will be to call me and vent his frustrations.

Maybe it's my husband who is the angel and not the kids at all. Could that be it?

Lately I've been struggling with when to let go. When is it ok to allow those beautiful little boys to become boys? When is it ok to let go a little and not do every little thing for them that holds them onto baby-hood? I'm a complete contradictory. I say to them all the time that they are old enough to do that themselves! "Just do it Andrew!" "Davis, you can do it! You don't need me!" But that's only a matter of convenience. I pick and choose the right time when I want to let them be big boys and not little babies anymore. But I don't want them to grow up and not need me anymore. I especially don't want them to do it while I'm working miserable hours with session.

Anyway. They're angels. Beautiful little angels. And I miss them already and session isn't even a month old. By March I'll be a mess. And so will my husband. But for other reasons.