Happiness is ...

My parents divorced when I was 25 years old. To those with divorced parents, I recognize that it sounds like no big deal. Because divorce sucks. But when you've grown up seeing your parents all happy and shit for so long, and you've finally recognized that they're married not because they're your parents, but because they love each other, then it's a real blow. I'm not saying what I had to deal with was worse than what any other person has to deal with when it comes to divorce, but I took it hard. WAY hard.

So when my mother handed me this bag full of pictures from the days of yore, I couldn't wait to dive into them. These are pictures that remind me of the happiest of happy days. My brother was happy (so it seems in the pictures), my family was happy, everyone seemed to get along (at least to this 5 year old), and times were fun whenever we got together. There was no dread when it was time to see the family.

I took the pictures that my mother gave me and this is what I did with them. I hope you like it.