... and you're saying it's FREE!?!?

On this blog, I have on numerous occasions sung the praises of a young man named Justin Jones. For anyone new to this arena (all 8 of my followers), I will give you a little background -

Several years ago, my husband came home from work with a CD that he was given from a bartender at the club. He suggested I listen to it - he thought it would be something that I would like. Because I don't like people telling me what to do, who to listen to, what movie to watch (I've yet to see "Titanic") added to the fact that it's my belief that people who work at the 9:30 Club think they're too cool for school (not really ... but I like to say that to make my husband annoyed), I didn't accept his CD. "Psh ... like THAT'S going to be any good!"

Some time later we were riding together in his car and he had his CD player on and it was playing something that I didn't recognize. I inquired - "who's this?"

"It's Justin Jones. Why, do you like it?"

"I LOVE IT!! Why haven't I heard of this one???"

Alas, the "I told you so" ensues and here we are today ...

Since that first CD was brought to our house, an EP and another CD have been released and I believe it would be a fair assessment to call myself Justin's biggest fan. I've been fortunate enough to get to know Mr. Justin Jones over the course of the last couple of years and now believe it's safe to call him a "friend". And it's easy to say that his songwriting skills amaze me (and sometimes ... ok, a lot of times bring me to tears), he's also one of those "good guys", you know? He's funny. He's handsome. And he's talented - which can make anyone seem handsome sometimes ...

Justin's latest album "Fading Light" is probably one of the better albums I've ever listened to, and I'm not making that up. From start to finish, over the course of that 50 minutes (or however long it is), I can enjoy (almost!) every song on that album. It's moving. It's funny. It's beautiful.

One of Justin's songs from that album, "Christmas Night", has been chosen as a track on a Christmas sampler. And because I kick ass, I've embedded the free download to that sampler! Click on it, download it, listen to it, enjoy it. I can't attest to all the other songs on the album, but if they're anything like Justin's song, it should be a treat.

Paste Magazine Free Holiday Sampler