It's Sine Die, y'all!!

Well, I've survived another year. My 15th Session is (almost) in the books. Wow. Fifteen sessions. I don't know if I'd actually counted them until I started writing.

This year I survived some late nights, some employee uprisings (though not that many, and not too excitingly either), sick kids, missed soccer goals, missed first-baseball practices, missed Saturday mornings of laying low. I've missed dinner at the table - no matter how annoying it can be sometimes, I've missed putting the boys to bed, reading books and books and books with them, I've missed picking them up from after-school care. And now, 90 days later, I am done. Again.

I enjoy my job. I enjoy the work. I don't always enjoy the politics of my job (both in the State House and in room 309), but I enjoy the people (for the most part), and I enjoy feeling like I'm doing something for the greater good every day. Some of the things I agree with, some of the things I don't ... but I know at the end of each day that the laws being passed by the Maryland General Assembly read the best they can read and follow the drafting guidelines as well as we're allowed to make them. And that's all I can ask from myself and from my staff.

But Session seems to last about 15 days too long. It's typical that by day 75 I'm done. I no longer want to tolerate the bullshit on the floor, I no longer want to tolerate the inconsideration the leaders have for the ramifications of their actions. I am just simply done.

Without my husband, I would never be as successful in my job as I am. I know he's taking great care of my children and keeping them happy. Behind every successful man is a strong woman. I know that. But in our household, behind every successful woman is an understanding man. And I would die without him.

I can't wait to spend the next several days (starting on Wednesday) alone with my handsome men. Each of us deserves time away from the daily grind. And each of us deserves the time with each other. And it can't come soon enough.

Happy Sine Die, y'all!!