50 Years and Counting

In the many years my husband and I have been together, we have done and seen some pretty cool shit. His job allows us to see some great live music - James Brown, Bob Dylan; we've traveled (with and without our children to see some beautiful (and sometimes not-so-beautiful) things. We've experienced complete highs and the lowest of lows. And looking at it from the perspective of, say, my grandmother, we've not been together for all that long. Considering what could lie ahead, we've packed a lot into a short amount of time ...

So when the opportunity presented itself for us to see one of our all-time favorite bands, we had to jump on it. And so we did.

The Rolling Stones were playing at the Verizon Center in DC, and we were going. If it meant we were going to spend our children's college funds, we were going to do that to see them. This was probably our only chance to do so. It was a no-brainer.

And after being there last night, I have no regrets (fortunately, the college funds are still intact. The ticket prices weren't THAT out of touch!). It was an unbelievable show. I will not soon forget it. I will continue to sing the songs over and over in my mind. And I will not soon get out of my mind the image of my rock-and-roll hero - Keith Richards - onstage, killin' it.

My husband and I have seen and done some amazing things in our short time together. And I look forward to what lies ahead. But the several hours we spent with Keith, Mick, Ronnie, Charlie, Mick Taylor, and their guests last night were some of the best hours we've spent together in a long, long time.  Thanks baby. You rock.