Giving Thanks - 2013 Edition

This year I have so very much for which to be thankful.

I'm thankful that I have my brother back. 

I'm thankful for two of the funniest, most handsome, and exhausting little boys. I'm thankful for a 2013 that has been full of love, friendship, travel, successes, and failures. I'm thankful for a happy dog. I'm thankful for a job. I'm thankful I have a husband who tolerates me; who believes in me; who supports me; who loves me unconditionally. I'm thankful for talented friends who play music and write songs that make me cry; and friends who tell stories so well they make me laugh. I'm thankful for wool socks when my feet are cold. I'm thankful for my Keens when my feet are warm. I'm thankful I have my 2 legs to carry me on my runs - even though lately they've been neglected. I'm thankful I can place my eye to my D5100 and capture the beauty I see in the world. I'm thankful for my mother - who loves me. Supports me. And keeps it real. I'm thankful for my father who even from far away manages to make me smile. I'm thankful I'm able to say hello to Christopher whenever I see the sun shining through the clouds.

I'm thankful for so very much.