E-Mails and Pictures

I read somewhere recently that a parent should start an e-mail address for their young child and throughout the child's life send the e-mail pictures, thoughts, happenings. And then when the child turns 18, hand them over the password and allow them to enjoy all the things that the parent has been sending for however many years ... I read that and I thought, man! That's so me! That's exactly what I need to do for my boys.

When I started this blog it had a different name (the things they say make me giggle) because I wanted to write down whatever it was either of my boys had said at any given moment for it to be remembered forever. I soon realized that I wasn't always near my computer in order to document what it was they were saying and so I changed it. And I think the name I changed it to is a much more appropriate name anyway. I do live with super heroes. Never mind that on any given day either child will come downstairs dressed in their favorite super hero costume - in my mind they are both super heroes. They're amazing. Absolutely amazing.

So now I have many tasks before me. I will need to continue to update this blog (much more regularly); I will need to send e-mails to both boys consistently - with pictures; with thoughts; with ideas. And I will need to clear the backlog of photos I have saved on my hard drive by sending them to their e-mail addresses ... that way I can clear some space without a guilty conscience!!

Here's to a new experiment ... it's hoped I follow through. And that I remember the password!