Another Summer Ends ...

After 10 weeks of relaxation, travel, fun, and sun, the summer is coming to an end. In 10 days the boys will be starting 3rd and 5th grades. I cannot wrap my head around it.

It seems like only yesterday the school year was ending. I picked up the boys from school, we went home, packed our bags, and headed to the lovely city of Columbus, Ohio. So how is it that now the new school year is about to begin?

The start of the new school year also means the start of the fall sports season. Once again the boys are in two different leagues playing the same sport. This year Christopher is helping to coach Davis's team - and we've got high hopes! Andrew will once again be playing on his travel soccer team (Go Whitecaps!).

So far school has come relatively easy for the boys. They bring home their report cards with their excellent grades and they sit at the table and do the homework with ease. I'm well aware that their entire school career will not go this well, but I like to soak it up while I can. 

For some reason, though, it is the accomplishments on the soccer fields that brings me greater joy. It's almost like I expect them to do well in school, but on the soccer fields, I see them excelling and I'm in amazement. The competitiveness; the drive to score; the drive to win - what makes them do that? It's so much fun to watch them run on the field when it seems like only yesterday they were stumbling with wobbly legs hoping to make it to the edge of the couch without face-planting into the carpet. Now they propel themselves up and down the field with those same legs - only they're longer and stronger and faster.

I know that time moves along. But sometimes it's just like, fuck. Why is time moving so quickly? Slow down, dammit.

I'm a complete puddle of water when it comes to watching the boys grow up. At night when I go in to kiss them one last time before I go to bed, I look at them both and still see that cute little baby in the onesie sleeping on his back. But they're not that little baby anymore. Both of them are growing up so quickly - right before my eyes. I like to think about those days of when the boys were babies, but I also like to look forward and think about all that's left to come. I'm not sure I'm always ready for it - but for some reason, this year I feel like I am.

Bring on 3rd grade! Bring on 5th grade! Let's see what you got, suckas. I'm positive the Miller boys will crush it. And their father and I will be standing right behind them, supporting them the entire way.

Here's to a new school year and new experiences ... (I think) I'm ready.