Disney World here we come!!

All along, the incentive to getting Davis "on the potty train" (that's what Andrew calls it) was getting to go to Disney World. Without Davis on the potty train, there was no trip to Disney (little do they know that the plane tickets were purchased last week and hotel reservations were made in April!).

It was touch and go for a while. Davis just wasn't ready. It seemed as though his body wasn't physically ready to sit on the pot. Then, something happened. Something BIG.

Two Fridays ago, while at school, Davis went up to his teacher and told her he had to go potty. Awesome. They rushed him over to the potty, he sat, and he pooped!! WHAT?!? How awesome is that?? So, it was decided then that he's ready. Now's the time. We (and by "we" I mean the women at day care - we were just part-timers in the evenings) made the decision that we were going to go full steam ahead with this. And 1 week later, we'd made some serious headway.

Alas, one piece of the puzzle was missing. That last, crucial piece. The piece that, without it, there was no Disney trip. The poop on the potty. Davis had mastered peein' on the pot, but poopin' on the pot? Still elusive. Still prohibiting those reservations from being made.

That is, until tonight. Tonight, Davis left the floor on which he was playing with his brother, ran to the bathroom yelling "I have to go pee-pee! I have to go pee-pee!" Chris met him there, he took a seat, and after a little effort, the deal was sealed. Davis had pooped on the pot. And with that, we no longer have a child in diapers. With that poop (a nice, healthy one, too!), we are getting rid of the changing table pad; we're donating the (HUGE!) box of diapers I just purchased from Sam's Club. And (as far the boys know), the tickets to Disney are being purchased tomorrow!

I couldn't be more proud. I've always stated that my proudest accomplishment as a mom has been potty training my son (Andrew). And I am proud of that. And I admittedly had a little less involvement with Davis, but he's still out of diapers and into big-boy underpants (you know the ones, with Buzz Lightyear on the bum??!). And I no longer appear to have a 5-year-old son in diapers!!

I couldn't be more excited. I would have taken a picture of that poop in the pot if I didn't have enough time to contemplate just how gross it is.

So, here we come Orlando!! And if Davis is anything like his brother (and his father), make sure your toilets/sewer system is in proper working order!!