All dressed up ...

... usually, this space is reserved for something that the boys have done that is just beyond silliness. It's something I've had to put into words so when they're older and my memory has started to fail me, I'll have a record of it somewhere so that I may go back and read it and giggle (and more than likely shed a tear or two). But for this entry ... 

Christopher has been champing at the bit to get out on his bike. He's purchased cold-weather riding wear; he's had the bike tuned; he's signed up for a race in the second weekend in May and he's ready to start training for it. Saturday started to look like a nice day to get started on his training. But it turned out to be more like a summer Saturday rather than an April Saturday. Suddenly a rainstorm would approach, drop a ton of water, and 10 minutes later, it would be sunny.

Christopher saw the sun shining, got his gear on (which is an entire ordeal to itself, but I digress), and was ready to go.

And suddenly, the sky darkened, the storm clouds approached, and the buckets of water poured water onto the area. And the ride was delayed again ...

I really am married to the cutest man in the world ...