Lesson learned: Bad hair days are going to happen. It's a fact of life.
_________________________________________________________________________Lesson learned: When you're the new kid in town, try to make friends with the kid who's been around a while. He can show you the ropes.
_____________________________________________________________________________Lesson learned:
Pick a time in the day to run as fast as you can as far as you can.
Lesson learned: There is never a bad time to stand on a table and dance. Ever.
Lesson learned: Even super heroes play video games. And sometimes they let the other guys win.
Lesson learned: You're not always going to get the best seats in the house. Sometimes it is simply the luck of the draw.
Lesson learned: No matter how bad your team may be doing, be the best fan you can be ...
Lesson learned: It is a very good idea to take a break and relax more often.
Lesson learned: Always find the best hiding spot.
Lesson learned: Always find time for a little shut-eye.
Lesson learned: It is perfectly acceptable to find a friend in any store you visit.
Lesson learned: Make every effort to conserve water. All resources are precious.
Lesson learned: Front row seats at any competition are AWESOME!!!
Lesson learned: Trust your instincts. Take that leap of faith.
Lesson learned: Some days you get the bear. Some days the bear gets you.
Lesson learned: When heading off to spend a day in the wilderness, be as prepared as possible.
Lesson learned: Do not put your stamp of approval on ANYTHING without a thorough inspection.
Lesson learned: It really does work. Your ball will move in the direction your head is leaning.
Lesson learned: Enjoy your meal shirtless at every opportunity.
Lesson learned: There are times when it is impossible to NOT look good. It is a fact of life. One gets used to it.
Lesson learned: Ropin' steer ain't as hard as it looks on TV.
And finally, ....
Lesson learned: Always smile handsome. It keeps people guessing...