A Pilgrimage of Sorts

I haven't been to Lexington since I was in a friend's wedding. That was 1998. It's a pretty long drive down there. And it takes almost as long to fly. There are few flights - if any - that fly direct to Lexington. And the rest of the excuses? Well, life gets in the way sometimes. I have a few friends who still live in that area, but they're busy too. So it just became harder and harder.

But this year? This year our basketball team is AMAZING. And, I have ants in my pants. So this year, in a VERY spur-of-the-moment, purchase-bad-seats way, I somehow convinced my husband (it was a lot easier than it sounds,believe me. He is SUCH a fan!) to put the boys in the car and drive 9 hours to Lexington, KY, sit in bad seats for 120 minutes, and yell our heads off, just to watch 18-year-old boys play a silly game called basketball.

I promise you - the time I spent with my children and my husband cannot even compare to the dollars we spent on tickets and the hotel and the fuel to get down there. It was so. Much. Fun. A trip so worth taking ... a much-needed break from Session (and I will add that Christopher, on the ride home yesterday was looking into tickets for the SEC Tournament AND the Final Four, which, coincidentally, are being held at the same location this year - New Orleans!). I've attached several pictures from our trip - there are many more to come on Facebook, but these are just a few I had and thought I would include.

I enjoyed strolling down memory lane; I enjoyed the time spent with my family; and I really enjoyed yelling my ass off at that game. Man, that shit's fun!

The first stop light in town ... contrary to any appearances, this was NOT named for me or my family once I left school.
When traveling long distances, it is imperative that the hotel where we're staying have an indoor pool. It's the way I weed out spots when making reservations.
Such. A. Ham.
Such. A. Tough guy!
Though some may not see it, it is clear to me that Andrew is becoming Christopher Miller in this photo. He looks just like him!
It's not easy playing your DS in the car for 9 hours and then swimming in a nice indoor pool for a bit. A couple of cute kids need some shut eye.
They chose the pose. I swear.

Davis LOVED touring the campus!
Heading off to the game!
This is what we saw when we stepped off the elevator. It was total tailgate-city! The boys had no interest. Chris and I could have really used a drink!
The entrance to Rupp Arena from our hotel lobby!
... getting his game face on!
I believe the best part of this picture is that it was taken before the game even started.
After climbing to the nosebleeds and catching our breath ...
They do several new things at Rupp that they didn't do when I was there!
He's all cool, calm, and collected here, but when I was coming back from the bathroom break with Andrew, he was NOT this cool, calm, and collected!
Ladies and gentlemen, here come your Cats!!
I'm not a fan of the cheerleaders. They annoy me, frankly and I find them distracting during the game. However, it is this part of the game that is one of my favorites! They climb into a pyramid with the Wildcat on top and spin. It is, in a word, AWESOME. I was telling Chris about what my friend Jennifer and I used to call the "White Flag Cheer" for years. I only hoped they would do it while we were at the game (they didn't do it every game ... duh. That would make it that much less exciting!). Of course, he and Davis were in the bathroom while this was going on.
We were up at 5am Sunday to race out of town before the BIG snowstorm arrived. It was to be epic and was to go directly along the mountainous route we had to drive to get home. Total. Bullshit. Not a single flake.
Until we made our first stop for gas, I had completely forgotten about this stuff! It is made right there in Kentucky and the rumors are that it's done with the local swamp water. It's supposed to have extra caffeine to help with the late-night studying.
The view as you enter and leave Kentucky. My old Kentucky home indeed. I'll be back!!
Thanks for the memories, UK. GO CATS!!