St. Lucia for Two

To celebrate 10 years of wedded bliss, and 12 years of pure love and elation, Christopher and I snuck out of town (thanks Nannie and Pop!) on a romantic get-away to St. Lucia. We stayed in what I can describe only as the most romantic, beautiful, paradise-defined resort and relaxed (even though it rained nonstop, monsoon-type rains for the first 36 hours!) like I don't know I've ever relaxed before. It was well-needed and much-deserved.

At the end of our days, I wasn't ready to return home, but I was ready to see my babies. I missed them terrible.

I took over 500 photos. I couldn't not take pictures. The beauty was astounding. I am so lucky we were able to take this trip. I've included a few of the photos below. Posting all 500 would have been a bit of a drag - for you, the reader, I'm sure (come see our slideshow!) and for me.

the steps leaving the open foyer of the hotel toward the beach

The shower at the top of the stairs from the beach

A view of the resort from the steps leading to the beach

walking back up the steps from the beach. There were over 260 steps to and from the beach. And the number of steps wasn't exactly the issue so much as how steep they were. Throw in the fact that we would spend the entire day drinking while on the beach, and it was a sight to behold, the two of us climbing those steps!

I've swum in dirtier pools. The water was so damn clean!

the view from our deck behind our plunge pool.

the Caribbean Sea

another shot of the sea 
In 2010 Hurricane Tomas visited St. Lucia. They're still working on recovering. Many roads were completely washed out.

another view looking up

A view from the helicopter of the Atlantic Ocean side of the island. It's virtually uninhabitable because the ocean is so rough, no one can safely swim in it.

The lighthouse in Castries

heading down for a day at the beach

the door to nowhere!

Christopher and me in front of the Pitons. It should be noted that both of us returned to our seats in the taxi and had the worst car/motion sickness we've ever experienced. I had to lay my head down and close my eyes. The roads are twisty and turvy and scary as hell.

the door is open from our bathroom (watering closet) and stepping out into our outdoor shower. 
walking toward our cottage.