First Grade? Psh ... easy

Yesterday was the last day of 1st grade. What in the world is going on here? Where is the time going??

Just yesterday we were starting out the school year. Now it's all over. Andrew will be starting 2nd grade in the fall. Davis will be a kindergartener. And I will be alone. My boys will both be swallowed up by that big yellow monster to leave me all alone. And I'm not prepared for it.

The changes in Andrew are so noticeable it scares me. All of a sudden he is a big boy. He has opinions that he expresses. Well. He takes care of himself. Well. He helps his brother. Well. He doesn't even need us around anymore. At. All.

When I go in and kiss the boys good night for the last time, I lean over and kiss Davis and I smile. He is SO god damn handsome and he is so funny. I just love, love, love him.

When I lean over and kiss Andrew, it makes tears fall from my eyes. I lean over and kiss him and I still see that little baby in the crib from 7 years ago. It makes my heart hurt.

When Andrew was a baby I remember thinking that I couldn't wait for him to reach the next milestone because it was so cool to watch him figure stuff out and discover new things. And each time I said it, I knew I was wishing time away. But I just loved watching him figure stuff out.

It's the same way now, really. We'll be driving along in the car and Andrew will see a road sign and read it. And that's just super awesome. He can READ!! Man, that's so cool!! What an accomplishment! But good god. He's growing up. Really fast. And all that time I was wishing away is gone forever.

I'm so proud of both of my children. They've accomplished so many cool things. They are both the most amazing little boys I've ever met. I love watching them learn stuff and figure stuff out and discover new things.

Being a mom is the coolest, most amazing, most painful job in the world. I don't know if I'd ever sign up for it on my own. But I would never re-sign from it in a million years. Especially when I've been given this assignment. I've said it 10 million times. And I'm sure I'll say it 10 million more. I'm one lucky gal.