Am I Going to Get Any, You Know, Presents to Open When We Get Home?

Most little boys don't get the idea of expenses, of costs, of soaking in the moment. Andrew is the type of little boy who typically understands the importance of situations. He enjoys soaking in the moments that are big - and even somewhat boring ("look at the leaves on those trees boys, aren't they beautiful?!?" "yea, Mom. They're great."). But when the time comes for Andrew to have a birthday, he wants a birthday party.

We tried to explain to Andrew that the whole weekend was his birthday ... that he was doing stuff that very few children his age were doing. This didn't matter to Andrew. He had fun regardless ... I think.

Let's see here -
The idea was to stroll Central Park after we made the move from Brooklyn to the Upper West Side. I had in my mind that we - Chris and I - would stroll, with giant smiles on our faces, behind the boys as they ran and wandered ahead of us with smiles and awe on their faces, taking in the enormity and the beauty of this huge park in the middle of this large city. You know, it was supposed to look like the movies. The beautiful happy family in the park ... alas, the best laid plans.

We "strolled" the park. But I've learned that my family has a hard time strolling. Chris walks faster than most of us - I tend to blame it on his longer legs and BIG feet. And the boys are all over the place. Typically ...

I tend to stay behind the boys walking because I like to take pictures of them and what they're seeing. It's how I remember things. It's how I like to look back and see what was going on then.

For those who don't know this, my boys are dancers. They're singers and dancers, really. So when we came upon the group in the park who are playing loud music and dancing some pretty sweet dance moves, I thought for sure the boys would want to hang out and check out the moves ...

Then the boys found a stand with all the old pictures of super heroes. They were mesmerised.
... and we took a break ...

There are some really cool things to see at the park ...

... and as it turns out, the Central Park Zoo doesn't have Alex the Lion, Gloria the Hippo, Melman the Giraffe, or Marty the Zebra ...

... it does have this awesome statue; and this awesome statue had a bird in its mouth ... Andrew wasn't too sure what kind of bird it was, but he wasn't too sure about it.

... but he was really looking forward to seeing Alex the Lion ...

... and then the real party started. Happy birthday, Andrew.

 it was their own little playground ...

 ... and then, after the fun at FAO Schwarz, it was time to head back to the hotel. And when in Central Park, you do as the Central Park-ians do, right??

And after it's all said and done, it's always nice to sit back and take some time to reflect on the day you've had.

Happy birthday to my sweet, kind, sneaky, smart, handsome, and cherubic little man. I love you more than words can ever express.