I'm a Little Airplane

I will never forget my father's 30th birthday. It was quite possibly one of the worst days of my life.

My father's birthday falls just 1 day after Christmas. Some may think this would be awesome. Having lived with someone who has this birthday, I can tell you - it's not awesome. There are certain rules that must be followed - for instance: no birthday present shall be wrapped in Christmas paper; no birthday present should EVER find its way under the Christmas tree.

My father's 30th birthday was one on which my father believed he was going to receive a remote control airplane. And so when he didn't, the day grew longer and longer ...

For Andrew's 8th birthday, his grandparents a remote control airplane. My father must be green with envy.

We headed out to the local middle school to give the airplane a few test runs ...

And we're off!

Davis doesn't quite understand why he isn't flying his own airplane ...

... but I think the term "flying" is being used a bit loosely.

lift off!

... and crash landing.

Another attempt

It was Davis's job to "fetch" the airplane after it went down.

Pop's job was to launch the plane ...

It was soon understood that Davis was a union worker. At this point, he said he was on his lunch break. He'd get to it when he was finished.

Fortunately for Andrew, it was a short break.

As Davis's nannie said earlier, Davis is too handsome for his own good.

Looking it over for any damage.

Soon it was time to race ...

The race was on ...

Davis lost his shoe during the race ...

Time for some runway work ...

Pop's work is never done.

Up in the air ...

Shoeless once again.

That face is a running face.

Davis's turn!