Making Thanksgiving a Little Less Guilty

I tend to take a bit of a sabbatical from running around this time of year. I noticed it a couple of years ago ... it wasn't intentional. But once I became comfortable with it, I started to feel less guilty about it. So now it's something I expect. And I'm ok with it.

In an effort to burn some calories before the gluttony sure to ensue later in the afternoon, I wanted to get out and do something. And in an effort to do so with as little misery as possible - thanks to my being completely out of running shape - Dexter Dogley and I retreated to my new favorite location - Wye Island Natural Resources Management Area. I'm not quite sure how in my lifelong tenure on the shore I ever missed this gem. Now that I have found it, I LOVE IT!

Dexter was allowed off the leash at this point. I don't typically do that with him ... he's not as good about staying close (like Guinness ... I know. I shouldn't compare him to Guinness), but since we were at the water's edge, I knew he wasn't going to go anywhere.

You can lead a horse-like dog to water ...

I love it there.