Another Christmas ...

... has passed. It's so hard to understand how all the work and effort (and money!) that goes into getting ready for a holiday that - in essence - can be over in about 20 minutes. When you have two little boys who still believe in the Big Man in the Red Suit, it's hard not to get excited and way overdo things.

Andrew and Davis had a very good day. Santa brought a lot of cool stuff. And Davis tried out EVERYTHING within 3 hours of opening. Andrew was a little more reserved. In fact, there were a couple of things he had forgotten about until I asked him about them this morning. Ah, the effect of too much Christmas.

The smile captured on Davis's face really does say it all. He enjoyed the shit out of the day.

Andrew did too. He is in between too-cool-for-school and not. He wants to be a big boy, but he just isn't sure he wants to give up all the perks. His smile makes my heart feel good.
And Christopher - showcasing his new scarf - had a rough night before Santa arrived. Andrew was so excited, he couldn't sleep. So Chris moved into his room and tried to make it a more comfortable night of sleep for him. Only one of them actually slept. And it wasn't Christopher. But watching the Complete History of the Washington Redskins, tearing up, and taking a power nap seemed to help.

I'm a very lucky girl - these words I've written in about 30 other posts. It's typically each Christmas that I think about just that. My family is unique. My grandmother is a piece of work. My father lives afar and sometimes I think that's not good. My mother is - well, she's my mother. My brother makes me so incredibly proud to call him my brother every hour of the day. I worry that if I were in his situation, I would curl up in bed and never leave. He doesn't do that. He gets up and goes about life as well as he can. And that impresses me.

I wish everyone could have the type of day that we have. Not everyone is as fortunate as we, and I wish I could make every child's Christmas as happy as the Christmas my children have. It's unfortunate that I can't do that. Maybe one day I will win the lottery and I can do that. Until then, I'm just thankful for all that I have, hopeful that the bottom never falls out, and wishful that my family can find the peace and happiness that's out there for them. Somewhere.

Happy Christmas all!