The Guilt ... My God the Guilt

Saturday was the first Saturday I've had off in several weeks thanks to the awesomeness that is the Legislative Session of 2013 (and I should note that this year's Session hasn't been nearly as unbearable as most other sessions ... I'm not sure quite the reason - yet - but so far, so good). So after being away from my family for several weekends in a row, and after getting up and running into work by 8am each and every weekday, what is the best possible thing this mom could do on her first Saturday off in several weeks?? Oh, I know - ship my kids off to spend the day with my friend - their Mare ... because I haven't been away from them enough as it is, I am going to send them off again and be away from them even more!! What a fantastic idea!!

Chris and his brother have been putting hardwood flooring down in our house for the past couple of weekends (on a side note - each time Chris and his brother have done any sort of project in our home, it occurs not only during Session but during my busiest time of Session). And in every previous session I've ever worked - since January 1997 - we have had to work this past Saturday in the schedule of session. So I had pre-arranged for my dearest friend Mary (or as the boys refer to her - My Mare) to watch the boys for some of the day on Saturday so that Chris and his brother could finish the hardwoods without much interruption while I was at work and I wouldn't feel GUILTY about the boys being at the house with Chris and his brother and getting in the way and frustrating the worker boys and all that stuff. It was the perfect plan!!

Alas, I was off. But because I hadn't had the time off to get much else accomplished around the house, it would have still be SO. HELPFUL if the boys could spend some time with their Mare. And they LOVE spending time with their Mare.

But now that the weekend is over and I'm back at work ... the guilt of not spending the weekend with the boys is weighing on me. Granted, we did spend a fair amount of time together yesterday. But y'know ... my fear of disappointing my children is so severe ...

Yesterday we went to the Academy of Art museum in Easton and saw on display "The Art of Seating". It was a large collection of chairs from the early 1800s to modern times. It was fascinating. And I know the boys enjoyed it. And I enjoyed seeing it with them. They always amaze me when we spend time together. Their personalities are SO completely different ... I just love it.

So this upcoming weekend I will likely have both days off. And Chris and his brother are finished with the hardwoods installation. So I'm going to do something that will allow me to walk into work on Monday feeling COMPLETELY guilt free. Or. Else.