The Sensitive One

Yesterday I had some free time while at work so I was surfing around the Interwebs. I went to Youtube and wandered through the many videos I have created and uploaded and watched a few of the older ones - a 2009 video from our trip to Avon; a video I made for Andrew's 5th birthday; a summer 2010 video (that one, for me, was the hardest, by far!). It was great seeing my babies so little, but if you know me well you know that I'm a puddle of water when I watch those things. Reminiscing and seeing those little babies and my husband and me just brings tears to my eyes. I get it honest. My grandfather - especially in his later years - was just the same. He passed it down to his son, my uncle Bob. And I have it terribly. And I soon learned last night that I, too have passed it down.

Last night, while making dinner for the boys, I thought I would turn on the videos for them to watch. They always enjoy seeing old pictures, and they usually giggle and giggle at how silly they were then. The first video I turned on was the 2009 video from our beach trip (we just returned from that same beach 3 days ago. I knew they would enjoy seeing it again). Andrew complained that there weren't many pictures of HIM in that video, so I next turned on the video I made for Andrew's 5th birthday. While I'm in the kitchen making dinner, I hear the music in the family room playing from the television as the video is playing - and it's so sweet ... Andrew was just the sweetest, cutest little cherub. And then something happened. I saw Davis scurry from the room, Andrew jumped up from the floor where he'd been watching to the couch, buried his head into the pillows, crying and wailing, saying, "turn it off Mom! Turn it off!! It's making me cry!!! It's just so cute!! I'm too cute!!"

The evidence: Andrew Miller - From 0 to 5 in 5 Minutes

Was he being serious?? I mean - he was cute. He is cute. But was he being serious?

He was. Completely and absolutely serious. As this is all unfolding, Christopher arrives home from work to a sobbing child, another child MIA from the room (Davis cannot STAND when his brother is crying; he runs from it), and I am standing there trying to console Andrew, holding in the tears myself - both because he's right - that video is just so sweet, AND because I can't believe how sweet Andrew is, reacting to the video in this way!

It took a while to get Andrew to settle down. Dinner was ready, we all sat and ate. Andrew tried to get through but would sometimes tear up. It wasn't until I changed the subject and brought up his soccer game from recess that he got over it.

Everyone who knows me well knows I'm a puddle of water when it comes to my boys - especially Andrew, my first born. And I know that I get it honest ... but I had no idea just how much of an inherited trait it was until last night. My children are in trouble ... as much as he may want to deny it, Christopher is just as bad as I when it comes to the emotions. We're pathetic.