10 on the 10th

For Andrew's 10th birthday I thought I would do a little something different ... I mean, it's not like you hit your double digits all the time. Besides, he's turning 10 years old on November 10! It's his BIG birthday! So as a way to celebrate, we blew up a ton of balloons and left them on the floor in his bedroom and I hung streamers from his door so that he would awaken to a birthday extravaganza. Boy did THAT idea fall flat.

What many of you may already know is that I'm an empathetic person who is prone to tears at anything remotely sentimental. As I grew older I learned this is an inherited trait - my grandfather was the exact same way; his son, my uncle Bob, also the same. It's really a pain in the ass to be sitting and watching television and suddenly find yourself in throes of a complete crying fest because of the stupid Kleenex commercial.

So it seems that Mr. Andrew Jefferson has also inherited this trait. He's always been so sweet and sincere, but his level of empathy has come out more so in the last few years. The first time I noticed it was when we were all watching "Air Bud" and he made me turn it off because it was too sad (and as a side note - my mother and I once tried to watch that same movie when I was in my 20s and we had the same reaction. It really does get a little sad! They ship the dog off to a deserted island!). And some of you may recall this little episode when Andrew recently watched his 0-to-5 video. So he can't help it - it's a trait he's inherited from me (and his father to an extent) and I pity him for it.

So today at 4:30 a.m. our bedroom door was flung open by a 10 year old trying to maintain composure. He had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night - which he NEVER does! - and saw what his father and I had done for him. I was met with sobs of "I have the best mom ever!" (I of course took full credit ...)

Andrew was my first born and I still baby him. I'm aware of this - and even if I wasn't aware my friends and husband will point it out to me to ensure I'm aware. I just can't help it. We've been at war together, us two. Those first 3 months of his life were spent with me trying to figure out what the fuck to do with this tiny little baby and he was just along for the ride. And with few complaints - unlike his younger brother.

So I put together this video of pictures of Andrew over the past several years. I can't dare show it to him or he will be a complete mess - again. But I really do these for myself so that when I'm old and gray(er) I can look back at the video and see my boys when they were babies - and still thought I was the best mom in the world.