The Year That Was

It has been determined by me that this year - 2014 - was the year of friendship. I have for the longest time known that I have the greatest friends around. But each time I think of something significant that happened this year, I'm also reminded of just how amazing the people are with whom I am surrounded the most.

Take for instance my neighbor, Charlotte. Without her, my son Andrew would be stranded more times than not - waiting for me to arrive from the dreaded commute home to pick him up from his birding group. But Charlotte helps me with that. And for that alone (though there are more reasons, of course), I consider her a good friend.

Just recently I was sitting in my office and I shared with my co-worker (and office best friend) that I had to make an appointment to get my brows waxed. Because she knows me so well, she knew immediately that my in-laws would soon be coming into town. This may sound insignificant to you, the casual outsider looking in, but the fact that she is able to remember after all these years that I tend to groom before my in-laws arrive is what a good friend remembers.

My friend Mary - our "My Mare", as the boys know her - is the best. Not only does she make me laugh constantly, but she also treats my children like they are her own. I am aware of the favoritism she shows Andrew over Davis whenever they spend time together, I also know that I can trust her implicitly with my children. And I cannot be more thankful for that.

I also have a posse. And I love that. There is a group of friends that I do not go long without seeing. And it is just FANTASTIC to know that whenever I need something - anything - I have a posse of girlfriends on whom I can rely. I know that I can count on them to lift me up when I'm down. When I need to bitch about my relationship they will listen with ears and bar tab open. Whenever I need to make sure that the thing my kid just did that seemed pretty weird to me may not be too weird sounding when I run it past the other mothers in the posse, they're there for me. They reassure me. They chide me when I need it. They keep me going when sometimes being a mom is the last thing I want to do. And I cannot thank them enough. I cannot trust them enough. I love you girls.

I have a few friends who are talented musicians. And each time I see them play I'm reminded of how important it is to have music in my life. And they tend to make me laugh (not when they're on stage, of course). And music and laughter make the world go 'round.

There have been two occasions that I can recall immediately in which my relationship with my husband was a bit rocky. The first was when we first moved in together after becoming engaged. We had a few "roommate" issues to work out (like one of us is REALLY neat and the other one is a complete slobovian). The other time was during our 7th year of marriage. But there has never been a time when I wouldn't consider him my absolute best friend. He is patient. He is funny. He is kind. He is empathetic. He is serious. He is sincere. He is tall. And he is handsome. And I couldn't love anyone more. I'm not sure but I'm almost positive I would die without him.

It's at the end of the year that people tend to take a moment to reflect on the past and think about what they could wish for to make the next year even better. While 2014 had some bumps and bruises, heartaches and departures, it was one hell of a year. And I can wish only that in 2015 I can be so lucky as to be surrounded by the same wonderful people helping me to become an even better   person each day.

Thank you to each of you for your friendship, your patience, and your sense of adventure. Here's to another year of happiness.