5" and (At Least) Two Days Off ...

... and counting.

The last time I ranted about this subject on Facebook, I was "the only person on [someone's] newsfeed complaining about the closed schools ..."; that was for an "ice event" (that had melted away by 10 a.m.). While I think yesterday's closure was necessary in this area  (we're not accustomed to several inches of snow around here), today is a bit ridiculous. We're a rural county - we always have been. If the education of our children had any importance in our county, our Board of Education would figure out a way to get the children back in school after only 1 day and 6" of snow. Alternate snow contingency plans for school bus pick up is one option ...

I was taken to task during my last rant by someone who asked, "have you discussed your concerns with the Board?" And I thought - gee - why haven't I? I use my busy Session schedule as an excuse; frankly, the long hours I work during Session do make it hard for me to do much of anything else, much less go to a Board meeting to discuss this; and by the time I can take the time off, I've forgotten how annoying those several days off from school were several months prior. But not this year ... I've done some research; I've contacted other school districts - within Maryland and without; and I'm preparing a presentation for the Board. Because 2 days off for this? Ridiculous.

This article in the Washington Post sums up my feelings exactly ... "“If DC had the snow Boston did, we’d be shut down until June,”... truer words have yet to be spoken my friend ...