The Death of Bing Bong and Other Embarrassing Moments

This past weekend we traveled to Columbus, OH, to celebrate the end of the school year. The boys are big fans of Jack Hanna and we decided a trip to the World-Famous Columbus Zoo was in order. We hopped in the family trickster and headed west to Ohio. We were going to the zoo, baby!

In an effort to make up for the long road trip we decided to head to the belly of the beast - Dave and Buster's - aka the Adult Chucky Cheese Restaurant. I've never before been to a Dave and Buster's so I don't have anything to compare it to, but from my experience, this was a nice place! It was HUGE and the food - even for the size of the menu - was pretty damn good. We were off to a good start on our quest to visit the World-Famous Columbus Zoo. This was going to be GREAT!!

We awaken Friday morning to clouds - lots and lots of clouds. I'm hoping we'll be lucky enough to have only a cloudy day and non-rain-producers. Alas, it was not to be.

We made it to the zoo and it's HUGE - and I mean - HUGE!! We're no rookies when it comes to zoos - and this one is pretty damn great - well, from what we've seen of it, anyway.

We were in the zoo for about 2 hours. We made it through North America and Polar Plunge and headed over to Africa to see the "cheetah run" (side note - if you're ever in a zoo that gives a demonstration of a cheetah run, please go see it. PLEASE. Those are the most amazing animals and just to see that beautiful cat run at 70 mph is unreal). And while we stood watching that cheetah run its ass off, the sky opened up. The downpour was relentless. And as it turned out - never ending.

So when you plan a 4-day trip full of outdoor activities and the weather doesn't cooperate, whatcha gonna do? That's right - go to the movies!

We awoke Saturday to an even wetter forecast. So we purchased tickets to the fancy movie theater and went to see "Inside Out", Pixar's newest installment in "how to make parents cry in movie theaters under the guise of a cute cartoon movie". And let me tell you - if the goal at Pixar is to get this girl crying, they are the most successful company in the fucking world. I mean - "Up"?? FORGET IT! "Toy Story" - especially the 3rd installment?? I'm a mess. So I already warned the boys that it was likely I would shed a tear or several during the movie. Unfortunately I didn't warn them about the audible sobbing that would ensue.

You see - "Inside Out" discusses the idea of letting go of a childhood ... letting go of the innocence of childhood. And this is my kryptonite. I absolutely cannot stand the thought of my children losing that innocence. I cannot take it. I'm pretty sure they keep their naïve appearances going just for me on several topics. I'm pretty sure we still have Santa in the bag; but there are some things that they're not letting me know that they know.

So I'm sitting in these extra-comfortable chairs in this fancy movie theater and the movie is continuing on. And I'm holding my own as far as keeping the tears at bay. But then - goofy island starts to disappear. And if you've seen the movie this will total sense to you - but when goofy island starts to disappear the sobs are audible. And then ... THEN Bing Bong does a good thing but that takes him to the forgotten memories abyss. And he disappears. And I'm starting to sob so uncontrollably that I'm thinking the best thing for me to do is to leave the theater so as to not continue to embarrass the shit out of my boys - all 3 of them.

So I'm in the throes of an absolute meltdown in the theater ... Bing Bong has just disappeared and I'm an absolute mess and Davis leans over and "whispers" (loudly so as to be heard over my sobs), "Mom. I'm STARVING! Please go get me some POPCORN!!"

And just like that I am brought back to reality. Only somewhat. But it does help me to pull myself together. I, of course, like every other good mother, completely ignore this rude child demanding food on top of the junk he just ate throughout the first 60 minutes of the movie.

I like to think I am not so embarrassing when it comes to my sobbing uncontrollably about these silly things because I admit to them. I warned everyone in the car that I was going to cry. So that is half the battle, right?

I am fully aware that I'm the reason that my children are so coddled. I'm not ready for them to grow up and not be those sweet naïve boys that they have been always. I just love, love, love them. And for that innocence to be gone is daunting. As an adult we no longer have the innocence they have because of the life experiences we've already had. I know I can't keep my children in a bubble, but is it so bad that I'd like them to be in that bubble just a little longer?? I'm just. not. ready.

It's in my DNA to be a complete puddle of water about the boys growing up. I come from a long line of it - my grandfather was the ultimate puddle of water. I'm aware I'm not going to change that. And right now I'm not exactly ready to ... I'm pretty sure the boys are immune to my embarrassing sobs and other actions.